
vrijdag, september 08, 2006

And now for something completely different

U weet ondertussen dat we af en toe eens de politieke kant durven uitgaan. Daarom deze oproep:

Dear all!

You are receiving this email because you are one of the more than 950 000 European citizens who have signed on The response has been fantastic all over Europe and the issue has been widely covered in the press and on blogs. Citizens from all 25 EU countries have signed. I have received thousands of encouraging emails. Thank you all for that! It shows that the issue of the European Parliament's seat is truly something that many Europeans care about.

We are now very close to reaching the goal of one million signatures but there is still some more work to do. Therefore I kindly ask you all to send to all your friends, family and colleagues, asking them to sign.
If all of you manage to get one extra signature our goal will easily be reached and we can take the issue to Commissioner Wallström as soon as the Commission resumes after the summer break.

My deepest thanks to all of you!

Cecilia Malmström
Member of the European Parliament

At you can download banners that you can put on your websites, blogs and emails.